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A podcast about the pursuit of knowledge through interesting and engaging conversation, hosted by Agent Palmer. Released every other Tuesday.

Oct 1, 2024

Episode 133 features Jonathan Roth, he’s a drummer, writer, and a professional with more hats than titles, and his job description is basically a to do list, but he’s here to talk about being creatively fulfilled, writing, balance, playing music, listening to music, public radio and much much more.

Mentioned and Helpful Links from This Episode

Good Clean Fun on WDIY




Other Links

Tragedy plus 80 Years Equals the Ongoing Relevance of The Human Comedy

Simon Kuper Makes the Case for Soccer’s Importance


You can also hear more Palmer occasionally on Our Liner Notes, a musical conversation podcast with host Chris Maier or as co-host of The Podcast Digest with Dan Lizette.

Music created and provided by Henno Heitur of Monkey Tongue Productions.

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