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A podcast about the pursuit of knowledge through interesting and engaging conversation, hosted by Agent Palmer. Released every other Tuesday.

Apr 18, 2023

Episode 95 features Charles Bates, who you may know as Chaz, Yahzick, The DM, or The Bard. We discuss his many hats and projects, his creative pursuits, a few fandoms, reading, the abundance of choice and so much more.

Throughout the conversation, we discuss:

  • Charles is Great
  • A writer who raps
  • Always been a...

Apr 4, 2023

Episode 94 features Rob Eskra, back for the second time. Why? To talk about what we do when we have free time. And as you’ll hear, we discuss the exorbitant abundance of things to do and consume with the, by comparison, minute time we have to do them. Plus being a collector of hobbies, world-building, naps, soaring,...