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A podcast about the pursuit of knowledge through interesting and engaging conversation, hosted by Agent Palmer. Released every other Tuesday.

Sep 20, 2022

Episode 80 features the first three-time guest, who was the original guest, and a very good friend of the show, Mr. Bill Sweeney! He has returned to the show for a geography lesson about his hometown; New York City. We talk about transportation, temperament, and tourism. Boroughs and Bridges. Discuss a few myths and legends, and much much more.

Throughout the conversation, we discuss:

  • Where are you from?
  • The Five Boroughs
  • Borough names vs. County names
  • Defining "Upstate"
  • Transportation
  • Bridges
  • The Forgotten Borough
  • Profanity
  • Temperament
  • "Everyone's your friend in New York City" - They Might Be Giants
  • New York City Food
  • NYC Authenticity in Media
  • Superhero overload
  • The way it used to be...
  • What's a New York Minute?
  • What's a New York State of Mind?
  • And much more

Mentioned and Helpful Links from This Episode





Other Links

Pour One Out for the Excellent Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree


15 TV Shows That Make You Want to Visit New York City |

10 Best TV Series & Movies Set In New York | Screen Rant

The Interrogation of Agent Palmer by Agent 76


You can also hear more Palmer occasionally on Our Liner Notes, a musical conversation podcast with host Chris Maier or as co-host of The Podcast Digest with Dan Lizette.

Music created and provided by Henno Heitur of Monkey Tongue Productions.

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