May 16, 2023
Episode 97 features the multitalented Jacob Burgess. He not only Makes Words Happen, but he can also inspire thought and reflection as he did for me in the following conversation about traveling, theatre, seeking, learning, personality, and authenticity, plus we trade some platitudes and much much more.
Throughout the conversation, we discuss:
Mentioned and Helpful Links from This Episode
Episode 52 of The Palmer Files: Celebrations and Anniversaries with Christopher J Hughes.
Other Links
Human Condition the Subtle Neon Glimmer of Downtown Owl
Have Faith That This Deighton Trilogy has More Secrets to Reveal
You can also hear more Palmer occasionally on Our Liner Notes, a musical conversation podcast with host Chris Maier or as co-host of The Podcast Digest with Dan Lizette.
Music created and provided by Henno Heitur of Monkey Tongue Productions.
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