Mar 24, 2020
Episode 15 features Agent Palmer and a short story titled "The Passing of a Storyteller" and the journey that that story took to become a story and then a narration and then a video.
Agent Palmer also mentions some of his favorite content creators like Loading Ready Run and Day[9].
Mentioned and Helpful Links from This Episode
The Passing of a Storyteller (The Video)
The Passing of a Storyteller (The Text)
The Story of the Story of The Passing of a Storyteller (Basis for the Episode)
You can also hear more Palmer in the meantime on Our Liner Notes, a musical conversation podcast with host Chris Maier and as mentioned on this show as co-host of The Podcast Digest with Dan Lizette.
Music created and provided by Henno Heitur of Monkey Tongue Productions.
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