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A podcast about the pursuit of knowledge through interesting and engaging conversation, hosted by Agent Palmer. Released every other Tuesday.


The Podcast

The Palmer Files is a podcast about the pursuit of knowledge, using conversation to understand and communicate interesting ideas, processes, inspirations, and aspirations of people, from any and all walks of life. Hosted by Agent Palmer and released every other Tuesday.

The Host

Since 2011 Jason Stershic has been roaming around the internet as Agent Palmer. He has appeared on many podcasts including, 7 Days A Geek, Our Liner Notes, The Podcast Digest, Spybary, and The Wicked Theory Podcast. He was a producer from some of those shows and a co-host for others.

His first guest appearances on podcasts may be on shows that no longer release regular episodes, but he does have a personal library of those shows, to remind him of how far he has come. He can perhaps be persuaded to share them if he is in a good mood. Meanwhile, his first blog posts are still available on your web browser of choice.

In 2019 Stershic amplified the Palmer brand by starting The Palmer Files Podcast. He is a member of the WDIY Board of Directors, an occasional co-host on Our Liners Notes, editor of self-published books, and digital consultant to many.





thepalmerfiles [at] gmail [dot] com