Jul 28, 2020
Episode 24 features Agent Palmer (Jason Stershic) remastering the radio program that was his capstone project as a Senior at Keystone College, which helped him to graduate with a Bachelors's Degree in Communications, titled "To Change Your Luck."
The syllabus for the course that this project came from states that the goal was “aimed at providing students with the opportunity to demonstrate both critical and creative thinking skills and the research capabilities they have acquired as Professional Studies Communications Arts and Humanities majors.”
The project abstract was “to write and produce a sixty-minute radio program about a trip I took to Israel that helped me to grow. In this program I hope to pass along the wisdom of a Jewish proverb that “sometimes to change your luck, you need to change your location.”
Mentioned and Helpful Links from This Episode
Agent Palmer on Patreon
You can also hear more Palmer in the meantime on Our Liner Notes, a musical conversation podcast with host Chris Maier and as mentioned on this show as co-host of The Podcast Digest with Dan Lizette.
Music created and provided by Henno Heitur of Monkey Tongue Productions. --End Show Notes Transmission--